Additional General Meeting 3.8.2022 18:00-18:20 @ Zoom
Dear Aalto BT ry member,
The Board of Aalto BT is happy to invite you all to our Additional General Meeting. The general assembly has the highest decision-making power in our association. All members of Aalto BT have the right to vote and voice your opinions on the club’s most important matters.
The General Assembly will take place on Zoom. Please find the detailed agenda attached here. The meeting will be held in English.
In brief, we will officially announce the resignation of the previous Event Coordinator and elect a new Events Coordinator for the current board of 2022.
There is still time until 31.7. to apply for Event Coordinator position or you can also announce your interest in the meeting.
Come, let your voice be heard and affect your subject club’s future!
Best regards,
Aalto BT ry