WHAT: Pre-Kuntis After-exams with Aalto BT
WHEN: Friday 24th of February, 19.00 onwards (24.2.)
WHERE: Metallimiehenkuja 6 (MMK)
WHO: All Aalto students
DRESSCODE: Overalls (especially if you are afterpartying at Vujukuntis ). But you are also welcome to come as you are!
TICKETS: https://forms.gle/61C32uxhn5xV1C1h7
What’s included: Pizza, drinks, good times. It is encouraged that if you are one with a strong thirst to also BYO!
You’re able to sign up also at the event. However, for logistical reasons (pizza’s, drinks, etc) we cannot guarantee for latecomers, so hustle up on that sign-up
Get a headstart into this springs KY Week at Aalto BT’s first After Exams of the year! Whether you are looking for the best place to pregame for the night’s Vujukuntis, or to simply relax and unwind with your student pals after the exam week, Aalto BT is delivering you the perfect value deal of delicious pizza
, drinks
and a rendezvous for all Aalto BT students to connect with old friends and make new ones!