Author name: admin

Fall 2020 Events

Here you can see what events there will be this fall! You can find detailed info from our Facebook page as soon as the event gets published. There can be changes to the events due to the Covid-19 situation. Many of the excursions are online excursions.

EDIT: Physical events have been canceled. The events “After Exam at Fat Lizard”, “Novemberfest” and “Christmas party and Board Election” will not be arranged. Alternatives are under discussion.

Fall 2020 Events Read More »

Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy: Tilastoinnin ja yritysasiakaspalvelun osaaja

Tyyppi: Täysipäiväinen, vakituinen
Haettu tausta: Valmistunut
Työaika: 37,5 h/vko
Toivottu aloituspäivämäärä: Sopimuksen mukaan syys-lokakuussa
Sijainti: Tynnyrintekijänkatu 1 C, 00580 Helsinki
Haku-DL: 20.9.2020

Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy on voittoa tavoittelematon, Suomen teollisuuden ja kaupan vuonna 1997 perustama ja omistama palveluyhtiö. Yrityksille tuotamme tehokkaita ja kestäviä ratkaisuja pakkausten tuottajavastuun toteutukseen. Kuluttajille tarjoamme Rinki-ekopisteverkoston pakkausten keräykseen, järjestämme myös lasipakkausjätteen kierrätyksen.

Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy etsii nyt joukkoonsa kiertotaloudesta kiinnostunutta moniosaajaa. Tässä roolissa tehtäväkenttääsi tulee kuulumaan raportoinnin ja tilastoinnin tehtäviä sekä yritysasiakkaiden neuvontaa ja kouluttamista. Raportoinnin ja tilastoinnin saralla työnkuvaasi kuuluu tilastojen tuottaminen, yritysten raportoimien pakkaustietojen auditointi sekä kehitystyö, jonka tavoitteena on, että kerätty tieto muuttuu hyödynnettäviksi raporteiksi.  Yritysasiakaspalvelun tiimoilta teet eri kanavissa asiakasneuvontaa, joka liittyy pakkausten tuottajavastuuseen ja pakkaustietojen raportointiin.  Tehtävässäsi seuraat myös vastuualueesi lainsäädäntöä ja kehityshankkeita.

Olet etsimämme henkilö, jos sinulla on tehtävään soveltuva maisterin tai diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto ja valmiuksia tehdä raportointia ja datan analysointia. Sinun ei tarvitse olla data-analytiikan spesialisti, vaan riittää, että osaat käyttää hyvin Exceliä ja olet valmis oppimaan uutta. Tehtävien hoitaminen edellyttää hyvää englannin kielen taitoa. Toivomme sinulta myös reipasta asennetta, palveluhenkisyyttä, itsenäistä työotetta ja valmiutta toimia monenlaisten sidosryhmien kanssa. Pienessä organisaatiossa ei ole kiveen hakattuja rooleja, joten toivomme myös, että olet joustava ja tartut toimeen siellä, missä apua tarvitaan. Näemme eduksi aikaisemman tuntemuksen pakkaus- tai jätealalta.  

Hakijalta odotetaan:
– Soveltuvaa maisterin tai diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa, esim. kauppatieteet, ympäristö- ja luonnonvaraekonomia tai tilastotiede
– Hyvää Excel-osaamista ja valmiuksia analysoida dataa
– Kykyä ja halua toimia asiakasrajapinnassa palvelu- ja koulutustilanteissa  
– Joustavaa ja palveluhenkistä asennetta
– Valmiuksia itsenäiseen työskentelyyn
– Vahvaa suomen ja englannin kielen taitoa sekä tyydyttävää ruotsin kielen taitoa  

Lisäksi eduksi katsotaan:
– Pakkaus- ja jätealan tuntemus

Tarjoamme sinulle: 
– Merkityksellisen toimenkuvan vastuullisuus- ja ympäristöasioiden parissa
– Monipuolisen tehtäväkentän, jossa pääset toimimaan erilaisten sidosryhmien kanssa
– Kompaktin kokoisen ja kehittyvän organisaation sekä mukavat työkaverit
– Viihtyisät toimitilat Kalasatamassa hyvien kulkuyhteyksien varrella    

Mikäli tämä tehtävä herätti kiinnostuksesi, lähetä hakemuksesi ja CV:si viimeistään 20.9. mennessä aTalentin hakujärjestelmän kautta osoitteessa: Kerrothan hakudokumenteissasi palkkatoiveesi ja mahdollisen aloitusajankohdan tehtävässä.  

Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy:stä voit lukea lisää osoitteessa: Hakuprosessia ja tehtävää koskeviin kysymyksiin vastaa Rekrytointipäällikkö Lisa Jokinen (050 599 1835, lisa.jokinen[ät]  

Tässä tehtävässä työllistyt suoraan asiakasyrityksemme Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy:n palvelukseen.

Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy: Tilastoinnin ja yritysasiakaspalvelun osaaja Read More »

Remember Aalto ISM social events and channels

On Thursday the new bachelor’s students got to meet their new fellow student and next week it’s the new master’s students’ turn. We’d like to share two things that help ISM students socialize during these WFH times.

ISM Telegram

ISM telegram is the official discussion channel for all members of Aalto ISM. You can join the channel through this link.

ISM Lenkki

ISM Lenkki is the jogging meet-up organized for ISM students by ISM students. ISM students meet up every Tuesday at 18.00 at the Hietsu outdoor gym(The original one, not the commercial one). Changes to plans are informed through the ISM Telegram, so be sure to join the TG group as well!

Reminder: Master’s Grand Opening

Are you a new master’s student? Don’t forget the Master’s Grand Opening at Atlantinkatu 7A starting at 5 PM on Monday the 31st of August. Get to meet the new students that you’ll be studying with this year and make sure you have familiar faces at lectures when the university opens up again!

Remember Aalto ISM social events and channels Read More »

ISM Masters’ Grand Opening

Welcome to the ISM masters’ semester opening!

This event is the perfect chance to get to know more about the master’s programme in ISM as well as to network with your study friends.The event will be held at Sievo Sauna, located in Jätkäsaari. We encourage everybody to grab your sauna gear and to come meet your ISM study friends.At the event, you will hear the about ISM and our board, and be able to enjoy our complementary food & drinks. What: ISM Masters’ semester opening

Place: Sievo Sauna (Atlantinkatu 7 A)
Time: 31.8. (17:00-23:00)
Why: Who doesn’t love meeting new colleagues and hear about exciting career paths?
Price: Free

Link to event on FB:

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ISM Bachelors’ Semester Opening

Welcome to the opening event for all new ISM students!

It’s time to start the year with a bang! This event is the perfect get together for all new ISM students to meet and mingle in a relaxed event, and learn about what it is like to study in ISM. This year, the event will be held at Otaniemi’s Rantasauna, so we encourage everyone to grab your sauna/swimming gear and come meet your future study friends! At the event, you will hear the about ISM and be able to enjoy our complementary food & drinks. Please fill out the following form to register your attendance:

The schedule is as follows:
17:00: Welcome drinks & mingling
18:00: Food & info
19:00 – 02:00: More drinks & mingling

What: ISM bachelors’ semester opening
Place: Rantasauna (Jämeräntaival 5)
When: 20.8. 17:00-02:00
Price: Free 

ISM Bachelors’ Semester Opening Read More »


There is still some Summer left!

Join us, the Guild of Physics, the Guild of Surveying Engineers and the Computer Science Guild for a summer cottage sits party on Thursday, 13.8.2020!

Summer is quickly nearing its end and soon studies will resume. For some, time has flown by and they wish they could have spent more time at their summer cottage, while others are longing to see their friends again. Thankfully, there is a way to satisfy both groups of people. The solution is the Summer Cottage Sitsit in Smökki on Thursday 13.8, organized by the songleaders of the Guild of Physics, the Guild of Surveying Engineers, the Computer Science Guild and Aalto ISM. A good time is guaranteed for everyone, so put on your favorite cottage outfit and come have fun with old and new friends!What: Summer Cottage Sitsit

Where: Smökki
When: Thursday 13 of August, cocktails 18.00 and Sitsit 18.30
Price: 15 €
DC: Summer cottage
Registration starts: 12.00, 27.7.2020
Link for registration
Event page:

Due to the coronavirus situation we would like to remind people to exercise extra caution. The Sitsit have an increased risk of droplet infection. Being indoors, singing and being in a large group of people increase the risk. Additionally, the food in the Sitsit is not made by professionals, which increases the infection risk. With all this taken into account, we ask all participants to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If you feel at all sick or unwell, do not attend the event.
  • If you are diagnosed with a condition caused by the coronavirus up to 14 days following the event, inform the event’s responsible person and give your contact information. The responsible person will give the contact information of all participants to the officials so that all participants can be informed of the exposure.
  • Avoid meeting persons that belong in risk groups for at least a week after the event.

The responsible person for the event is Niklas Valuri, email or Telegram

Kesä(S)mökkisitsit Read More »

Aalto ISM Spring Meeting

The Board of Aalto ISM is happy to invite all Aalto ISM members to our spring General Assembly (Spring Meeting). The General Assembly has the highest decision-making power in our association. All members of Aalto ISM have the right to vote and voice your opinions on the club’s most important matters. 

The General Assembly will exceptionally take place on Zoom and later than usual due to the current restrictions.  Please find the detailed agenda attached here. Unfortunately the agenda is in Finnish, however the meeting will be held in English if required. 

 In brief, we are going to approve the previous year’s financial statements and this year’s action plan and budget.

Please sign up for the event on Facebook latest 18.5.2020

Main contents shortly:

  • Approving the previous board’s annual report and budget
  • Approving the budget and action plan for the current year

Come, let your voice be heard and affect your subject club’s future!

When: 18.00-19.00, 19th of May, 2020


Why: Let your voice be heard!

Aalto ISM Spring Meeting Read More »

Most convenient way to Predictive Analytics and Simulation courses

ISM has plenty of interesting topics that you can focus on. If you are interested in learning about Simulation or Predictive Analytics, you benefit from studying specific topics before taking these courses.

We created a visualization that can help you to plan your studies in a convenient way. If you feel that you have the knowhow a course requires, don’t let these suggestions stop you. 

The green arrows represent the necessary skill areas that our faculty has in course descriptions. The orange arrows represent skills that make your life easier.

Most convenient way to Predictive Analytics and Simulation courses Read More »

Most convenient way to Data Science for Business courses

ISM has plenty of interesting topics that you can focus on. If you are interested in learning about Data Science for Business courses, you benefit from studying specific topics before taking these courses.

We created a visualization that can help you to plan your studies in a convenient way. If you feel that you have the knowhow a course requires, don’t let these suggestions stop you. 

The green arrows represent the necessary skill areas that our faculty has in course descriptions. The orange arrows represent skills that make your life easier.

Most convenient way to Data Science for Business courses Read More »

International masterclass about the future of retail hosted by EY-Parthenon Netherlands

EY-Parthenon Netherlands is hosting an international masterclass about the future of retail on Thursday 14th of May, 15:00 Amsterdam time (16:00 Finnish time)

Managing Partner Marc van der Goot and Senior Manager Bob Chermin (Rotterdam office) are both eager to tell you about the future of retail and the type of work we do at EY-Parthenon. We are expecting student participants from different European countries and the capacity of the event is up to 10 000 students! All students despite of their field or stage of studies are welcome to join.

After the masterclass we will host a local Q&A session at 17:45-18.15 Finnish time with our EY-Parthenon employees answering your questions. You can also send your questions before the event for Helena Lampinen, Head of Recruitment & Employer Branding:

Please join us and learn new things about what is it like to work at EY-Parthenon and how does the future of retail look like. Please fill out the registration form and leave your email address here:

Before the event, you will receive a link to a Microsoft Teams Live call and separate link to a local Q&A session to your email.

About EY-Parthenon

EY-Parthenon is a strategy consultancy, committed to bringing unconventional yet pragmatic thinking together with our clients’ smarts to deliver actionable strategies for real impact in today’s complex business landscape. Please learn more about us from our website:

Best regards,

International masterclass about the future of retail hosted by EY-Parthenon Netherlands Read More »