Author name: admin

End of Academic Year Party

Join Aalto BT for a night of celebration and camaraderie as we bid farewell to another bountiful academic year! As a level up from After Exams we come together at Teatterin Kellobaari to reminisce the great moments lived together over the past year and discuss future endeavors. ??

Thanks to our partners at BCG and twoday first drinks and light snacks are on us, but for the thirstier ones you have an opportunity to buy drinks from the bar ?

Kick back, relax and come along to celebrate good summer times with your BT pals on Friday the 9th! ✨

WHAT: End of Academic Year x Aalto BT x BCG x twoday
WHEN: Friday 9.6. at 18.00 ->
WHERE: Teatterin Kellobaari, Pohjoisesplanadi 2
DRESSCODE: Smart casual with summer vibes
WHO: All students with priority given to Aalto BT members

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Summer Boat Party

‼️Ahoy me mateys‼️


We are calling all captains, first mates, and sailors of Aalto to get your sea legs ready to celebrate the end of the semester. We set sail when the sun is hot, and the seas are high! So, bring out the gangplank, board the sunlines boat and let the captain take the wheel

On Saturday the 27th of May, three subject clubs take you to The Summer Boat Party where we sail Helsinki’s coastline complete with live DJs, a floating bar, and scenic views ?

We will begin the event at 1100 at Kauppatori for sparkling wine and other non-alcoholic refreshments ?

The boat will depart at 1200 from Kauppatori and return at 1530. We ask you to arrive on time for the refreshments and to ensure all 212 attendees are onboard and ready to party ?

This event is open for all students of Aalto university who are ready to begin enjoying the summer with a bountiful boating bonanza! If you would like to bring some friends from outside Aalto, the third ticket category “Sailor’s invite” will be open to all ❤️What: Summer Boat Party with AMS, BT and Management

When: Saturday, 27.05.2023 from 1100 – 1530
Where: Kauppatori (Behind Manta / Havis Amanda statue)
Who: This event is open for all students of Aalto! Info about +1’s above
Why: Kick off summer in the right way
Dresscode: Summer Boat Party vibes
Included: Overall badge + welcome drinks and a bar onboard where you may purchase drinks ?
Tickets: Early bird tickets are available through Kide and they are limited, so get in quick ?
1. Captain’s invite – 14 euros (First call, Aalto students)
2. First mate’s invite – 17 euros (Second call, Aalto Students)
3. Sailor’s invite – 20 euros (Final round, Anyone may join)

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Invitation to Breakfast with August

There’s no such thing as a free lunch… But that’s not the case with breakfasts!

We’re happy to invite Information and Service Management and Business Analytics students (2nd year +) to enjoy a casual breakfast with one of our consultants. This event is a great opportunity to have a personal discussion with one of us, and get to know what strategy consulting at August is like. Depending on your preferences, the set-up for the breakfast can be one-on-one, or you can join with one or two fellow students.

The opportunity is intended for students who are at least in their 2nd year of studies and are curious to learn about strategy consulting and what’s it like at August. The breakfasts are held in Helsinki city center during May and June.

RSVP: Monday 15.05.2023. Please apply here and note that we will start to organize the breakfast meetings already before the deadline. We will confirm your participation after the sign-up.

Best regards,

Leena Kankare, Le Thuy and the August team

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Metacore – Press Play Trainee Program

Join Metacore, the fastest growing tech company in Finland last year, and one of the fastest growing game companies in Europe! ? Our trainee program, Press Play, is back for the second year in a row.

Press Play is our 6-month, full-time and paid trainee program for emerging talent looking to enter the games industry. You will get to work alongside experienced colleagues, gain insights from the industry, develop your own skills – and of course, share your ideas and creative decisions as well. ?

This year, we are looking for QA Specialists, Performance Marketing Specialists and Data Analysts. Are you ready for your career to take off at Metacore?
Read more and apply now ?

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Aalto BT x AMS After Exams

WHAT: AMS x Aalto BT After Exams
WHEN: Friday 21st of April, at 19.00
WHERE: Metallimiehenkuja 6, Espoo
WHO: Everyone is welcome ❤
WHY: Open bar and pizza!!
DRESSCODE: Casual (overalls optional)

Are you looking for something to kick-start your Wappu celebrations with after the exam week is finally over? After the busy exam week this is the perfect chance to wash away all your worries and have a good time with old friends or to make new ones!

AMS and Aalto BT have teamed up to organize After Exams for you! Join us on the 21st of April to let off some steam after a stressful exam week. Whether you are a mursu wanting to dance off the stress about MaJo and TiTi, or any other student, come to party at MMK?

To have the best time the event will feature an open bar by Hartwall?? and to go with the refreshments we also have pizza served at the event.?✨ If you’re feeling extra thirsty it’s a good idea to BYOB.

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Women Mentorship Program at BCG

? Women Mentorship Program
? Boston Consulting Group
Apply here by April 16th

The Women Mentorship Program is a platform for university students and recent graduates to connect with BCG mentors who are relatable and inspiring. The program consists of events led by motivational facilitators, personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions, and engaging group activities, all of which span over a period of 6 months.

Our top priority is to match each participant with a mentor who is most suitable for them, ensuring that they receive the maximum benefits from the program. You and your mentor will work together to approach performance from a strength-based perspective, discover valuable skills and techniques that can assist your career growth, and move closer to achieving your developmental goals.

The program is open for university students and graduates who self-identify as women and are eager to advance their careers. The program begins with a kick-off session in May and ends with a closing session in September. The program guarantees the selected mentees an interview for our recruiting process after completion.

You apply by submitting:

  • CV
  • Motivational letter
  • University transcripts

Apply here by April 16th.

In case you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Helsinki recruiting team at

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Paint & Fun with BCG

Boston Consulting Group
Paint & Fun with BCG
Studio & Bar, Eerikinkatu 11
Wednesday April 26th, 18:00-20:00
Apply here by April 17th

Attention 2nd year students in Aalto University!

Get ready for an unforgettable evening of creativity, cocktails, and connections! Join us at our upcoming event on Wednesday 26th of April, hosted by Boston Consulting Group, where you’ll have the chance to unleash your inner artist and network with like-minded individuals. The event takes place at Studio & Bar, Eerikinkatu 11, Helsinki.

Grab a paintbrush and sip on delicious cocktails as you create a masterpiece alongside an expert instructor. During the event you’ll be able to express yourself and let your imagination run wild while you mingle with BCGers who will be there to answer all your questions you may have about consulting and BCG. No previous painting experience is required!

This is a very relaxed event, so leave your suits at home. There will be aprons provided, but kindly wear attire that you are comfortable with potentially getting paint on. The event starts at 6PM and ends at 8PM. There will be small snacks reserved for us, but please eat beforehand if you are very hungry!

So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity and get ready for an evening of fun, creativity, and networking. Unfortunately, seats for this event are limited.

This event is targeted towards 2nd year students at Aalto University. Apply through this link by 17th of April and we will confirm your attendance by 20th of April. Apply with your CV and share a couple of words on why you’d like to attend the event in the “Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?” section.

Looking forward seeing you!

Best wishes,
BCG in Helsinki

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Lujatalo Internship – Business Intelligence (and Analytics)

? Intern, Business Intelligence (and analytics)
? Lujatalo – Leppävaara
? Internship
Apply here by 31.3.2023
? / 044 585 2541
?? This role requires Finnish language skills

Haemme sinua,


Rakentamisen johtaminen on nykyään tiedolla johtamista entisen nokkavainun sijaan. Tämä edellyttää eri järjestelmistä kerätyn datan yhdistämistä, analysointia ja visualisointia. Tiedolla johtamisen työkaluna käytämme PowerBI:tä, joka luo meille alustan koko yrityksen johtamiselle projektien tilannekuvasta strategian tavoitteiden saavuttamisen seurantaan.

Etsimme nyt harjoittelijaa tiedolla johtamisen tiimiin, jossa yhdistyvät talous, ICT ja liiketoiminnan kehitys. Tiimimme tehtävänä on tuoda data muista järjestelmistä PowerBI:hin saataville, tunnistaa liiketoiminnan ja johdon BI-tarpeita sekä vastata raporttien tai näkymien luomisesta ja ylläpidosta. Tiimimme on todellinen näköalapaikka yrityksen johtamiseen, strategian jalkauttamiseen ja operatiiviseen tekemiseen.

Työssäsi pääset osallistumaan PowerBI-raportoinnin kehittämiseen ja ylläpitoon sekä liiketoimintatiedon analysointiin erityisesti yrityksen sisäisen ja ulkoisen laskennan osa-alueilla. Tehtävässä tarvitset hyvää Excel-osaamista ja talousymmärrystä. Katsomme eduksi myös business intelligence –työkalujen perusosaamisen sekä ymmärryksen tietovarastoinnista ja data-arkkitehtuurista. Työtehtävään on mahdollista yhdistää opinnäytetyö.

Tehtävässä menestyt, jos olet oppimishaluinen, omaat päämäärätietoisen työskentelytavan ja uskallat ennen kaikkea olla oma itsesi. Tehtävänkuvaasi voidaan räätälöidä vahvuuksiesi ympärille ja työnteon paikka sopia tarpeidesi mukaan – pääkonttorimme sijaitsee Espoon Leppävaarassa. Toivomme sinulta vähintään 1-2 päivän työpanosta viikossa. Myös kesätyö kesälle 2023 on mahdollinen.

Lujatalossa uskomme osallistavaan johtamiseen ja ihmisiin. Tarjoamme sinulle kehittymistäsi tukevan toimintaympäristön sekä vahvan yhdessä tekemisen meiningin. Hae tehtävää viimeistään perjantaina 31.3.2023 käyttämämme TalentAdore rekrytointijärjestelmän kautta.

Kiinnostuitko tarjoamastamme mahdollisuudesta, mutta kaipaat vielä lisätietoja? Kysymyksiisi vastaa kehitysjohtaja Tuija Schmidt, puh. 044 585 2541 /

Lujatalo Internship – Business Intelligence (and Analytics) Read More »

Angels & Devils Sitz Party

Want to repeal your past sins (or engage in new ones?) Kick-off the Easter vacation with a proper remission, and join Aalto BT for a night of frisk and frolics as we celebrate the kylteri duality of good and evil! 

We have prepared a line-up of entertaining proggis, food, drink and a DJ to keep you partying all through the night and afterparty.

We encourage you to dress as either an angel or a devil, or perhaps a mix of both! 

So let us embrace both light and dark on Wednesday 5.4. at Saha, and reincarnate into a new morning of a well-deserved Easter vacation the next day ??

WHAT: Angels & Devils Sitz Party
WHEN: Wednesday 5.4. at 18.00
WHERE: Saha, Konemiehentie 1
WHO: All Aalto students
DRESSCODE: Angels and/or devils + overalls optional
PRICE: 17 €
WHAT IS INCLUDED: Food, drinks, lit lit overall badge, firey program and heavenly fun

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Boston Consulting Group
Hotel Lilla Roberts
March 23rd, 9:00-12:00
Apply here by 12th of March

Dear Student,

Do you want to learn more about the colorful world of management consulting and our LGBTQ+ network Pride@BCG?

We are hosting an event PRIDE in PRIDE on March 23rd in Hotel Lilla Roberts (Pieni Roobertinkatu 1, 00130) starting at 9:00. During the event you will get an introduction to BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Helsinki, our DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) agenda, and Pride network, Pride@BCG. At the event, you have the possibility to meet Pride@BCG members, ask questions in a panel discussion, and hear more about the diverse career paths in BCG while enjoying a delicious breakfast.

During the event you will have the chance to meet other students and have casual chats with BCGers with diverse backgrounds who are happy to answer all your questions.

The event is open to all who are part of the LGTBQ+ community or simply want to learn more about the Pride@BCG network and LGTBQ+ community at BCG.

Please apply through this link by submitting your resume and cover letter (optional) by Sunday 12th of March. Seats for this event are unfortunately limited. We will confirm your attendance by 16th of March.

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact recruiting specialist Katja Leppänen at

Looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards,
BCG Helsinki

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