Sunday Hike with Aalto BT

WHAT: Sunday Hike WHEN: Sunday 25.9. at 12:00, duration approx 5-7h WHERE: Nuuksio National Park (Haukankierros trail) WHO: All ISM + BA students HOW MUCH: Free! SIGN UP: By Monday 19.9FB Event: Over here It’s time to take your backpack and head to the peaceful nature since Aalto BT’s fall…

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Bachelor’s Opening with Aalto BT

What: Bachelor’s Opening with the Business Technology board When: 13th of September @ 1800. Where? Vaasankatu 10 rooftop sauna! Harju, Helsinki, 8th floor in the AYY space. Who: New bachelor’s students in ISMCost: Free! Anything else? We will provide some food to be served with some light refreshments Facebook event:…

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Nordea demo

Master’s Opening with Columbia Road

So you’re going to be studying a master’s degree in ISM or Business Analytics! Congratulations! The Aalto Business Technology board (Formely ISM) welcomes you to our opening event Come join us all for a relaxing low-barrier shindig where you can get to know the Aalto Business Technology board, some information about…

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Hogwarts Sits Friday the 13th of May

“It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live.” – Albus DumbledoreYOU HAVE BEEN CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRYMerlin’s beard! The day you have been dreaming for is coming to life, finally you can escape those unpleasant Dursleys and join us at…

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ISM Faculty Coffee Bachelor’s Studies

WHAT? Faculty Coffee TIME? Wednesday 11.5. at 14.00WHERE? The ISM Faculty’s coffee lounge: Ekonominaukio 2, second floor of the business campus above Ravintola Arvo and the front desk facing TietotieWHO? ISM StudentsTOPIC? Bachelor’s studiesCome join the ISM board, Aalto Faculty, and other students for a coffee. We want to get to…

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Sushi School With BCG

Sushi School with BCGThursday, May 518:00-22:00Tokyo55 Dear 2nd year Aalto Business School Student, Would you like to master how to make perfect sushi? We at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) invite you to an authentic sushi school with fellow students and BCGers at Tokyo55 on May 5, from 18:00-22:00. During the…

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Easter After Exams with Aalto Economics, ISM, Jury, & Management

Hey ISM students!Start your Easter holiday with a bang with Aalto Economics, ISM, Jury and Aalto Management! We have joined forces to celebrate the end of the 4th period and exam week with an Easter themed After Exams! Come enjoy some food and beverages in good company. We will also…

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Career Evening x Aalto ISM x Valor x Vuono x Deloitte

WHAT: Career Evening with Aalto ISM, Valor, Vuono, and Deloitte WHEN: 23.3 at 1800 – 2330 WHERE: 10. Kerros, Kaivokatu 3, 00100 Helsinki WHO: All ISM students DRESSCODE: Business Formal PRICE: 25€ SIGN-UP: Starts Friday 4th of March at 12:00, the link will be published in the FB event description…

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Consulting Journeys at BCG

Dear Aalto ISM Students, We’d love to invite you to a relaxed evening with us at the BCG Helsinki office on March 10th from 18:00-22:00! Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global consulting firm that partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture…

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After Exams

Whether you’ve been crunching the numbers in econometrics, or using strategic sourcing to procure Estonian refreshments, ISM has the perfect relaxation event for you! After Exams on Friday the 25th of February at MMK, Metallimiehenkuja 6Put down your books, take that pencil from behind your ear and join us for After…

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