Register now for real case -based SCM Capstone course

The SCM capstone course with real cases is starting again in January! The course called “Capstone: Future-proofing supply chains” is run by Prof Katri Kauppi and built around students working on a real case assignment. Reima, Posti and Kemira are all providing exciting SCM cases to work on!

In case Reima you get to understand product returns related logistics and analyze alternative reverse logistics operations models, considering the business case, operational aspects and sustainability.

In case Posti, you get to forecast and design the future of Postal services in Finland, considering operative logistics aspects, product portfolio and pricing.

In case Kemira, you get to analyse and redesign the supply network of a global manufacturing company for optimal balance between efficiency and availability.

The course has a slightly different class schedule given the real case format (Lectures and workshops in weeks 1 and 2, only groupwork in weeks 3-5 and final presentation to case company on week 6).

Contact Katri for more info or see a detailed PDF syllabus and other details here:

Register now via Sisu!