Spring Meeting 2021 Invitation

Spring meeting Tuesday 23rd March 2021 18.00-19.30 at Zoom.

Dear Aalto ISM ry members,

The Board of Aalto ISM is happy to invite you all to our spring General Assembly (Spring Meeting). The General Assembly has the highest decision-making power in our association. All members of Aalto ISM have the right to vote and voice your opinions on the club’s most important matters.

The General Assembly will exceptionally take place on Zoom due to the current restrictions. Please find the detailed agenda attached below. The meeting will be held in English.

In brief, we are going to approve the previous year’s financial statements and this year’s action plan and budget.

Please sign up for the event by clicking “Attending” on Facebook.

Main contents shortly:
-Approving the previous board’s annual report and budget
-Approving the budget and action plan for the current year

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 673 7301 1138

Come, let your voice be heard and affect your subject club’s future!

Best regards,
Aalto ISM