Computer Science Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistants needed for CS Courses in Autumn 2022!

If you’re interested in Computer Science courses, and have a passion for working with peers, we invite you to apply for a teaching assistant position in our autumn 2022 courses!
Deadline is April 18, 2022, but we may interview and hire applicants already during the application period.

Apply here now!

In addition, some of the autumn term courses have a more detailed description of tasks below. The contact persons are happy to give you more information by email.

Courses participating in this joint job call for autumn are below, but you can already record your interest for spring 2023 courses whose call will be in October.
CS-A1110 Ohjelmointi 1 / Programming 1
CS-A1111 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1
CS-A1113 Basics of programming Y1
CS-A1140 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS-A1141 Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit Y
CS-A1143 Data Structures and Algorithms Y
CS-C2100 Ohjelmointistudio 1
CS-C3140 Operating Systems
CS-C3170 Web Software Development
CS-E3190 Principles of Algorithmic Techniques
CS-C3240 Machine Learning
CS-E4110 Concurrent Programming
CS-E4260 Multimedia Services in Internet
CS-E4400 Design of WWW-Services
CS-E4500 Advanced Course in Algorithms
CS-E4650 Methods of Data Mining
CS-E4710 Machine Learning: Supervised Methods
CS-E4900 User-Centered Methods for Product and Service Design
CS-E4960 Software Testing and Quality Assurance
CS-E5710 Bayesian data analysis
CS-E5860 Computational Genomics
NBE-4070 Basics of Biomedical Data Analysis

More detailed description of the assistants’ tasks is on a separate page. Moreover, we are constantly seeking personnel for longer periods than just one term. Actually, some of the positions can be filled starting already this summer and continue after the course has ended. If you are interested in such work, see also the CS department’s webpages.

Problems with applying? Contact: Sanna Suoranta (

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